Available Originals Gallery
Many if not all of the original works of art in this gallery are works that the artist has kept in his own personal collection over the years. A great many of these works have never appeared before the public until now. For the first time ever Parrish unveils works of art that have for years graced the walls of his own home or had been placed in storage after their completion for safe keeping. Also in this gallery collections are pieces artist has recently completed are now for the first time being offered for sale There are original works dating back as early as 1983 and as recent as this current year.

Creation of Heaven and Earth II
(Second Painting in the Series)
Painted in 2014
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Canvas Size: 36"w x 48"h x 3/4"d
Weight: 10 lbs.
This is the second painting artist Bradley J Parrish’s “Creation Series". Both this painting and his first painting titled “Creation of Heaven & Earth” were winners in the annual ARC "Art Renewal Center" International Solon Competition, with the first painting in the series winning in 2006 and now this one winning in 2015-2016. The ARC Solon Competition is the most prestigious realist art competition in the Americas and perhaps the world. This piece is in their 2015-2016 international catalogs. Parrish says “I not only do I feel blessed feel that my very first painting in this series was recognized as an Internationally award-winning painting, but also that it had broken all records for the sale of just one of my works.” The original listed for $350,000.00 sold online in 2010.
This second painting in the series like his first one brings you to a moment of creation. In this powerful piece, Parrish captures our creator at the beginning of creation of the heavens and the earth. Here we see the world being created with the oceans, and the fiery emergence of the earth’s magma rising up from deep within the earth and cooling as it reaches the water and as a result steam rising toward the heavens.
*To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Still Water
(Third Painting In The Series)
The most prestigious realist art competition in the Americas and perhaps the world has chosen my painting titled "Still Water" in the 12th International ARC Salon Competition as a finalist to be included in their soon tho be published international catalog. This year they had 1,006 finalist works by 640 artists from 63 countries, representing 32% of works submitted. The thousands of artist's that enter this international competition bring forth great works of art that inspire us all. The best of the best are featured in this catalog.
I enjoy working on works like this piece. Every time I look at this piece I go back to that very brief moment in time and reflect on all that I felt when painting the piece. I feel the warmth from the setting sun, the smells and the quiet serenity while painting this.
Dated July 10, 2015
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 20"w x 16"h
(Signed in Lower Right Corner)
*To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

White Tiger
Medium: Pastel on Paper
Image Size: 18" x 24"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Medium: Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 24" x 30"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Eve With Serpent
Medium: Oil on Belgian Linen
Image Size: 48" x 56"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Eve (Sleeping)
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 20" x 24"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

O.G. "Opera Ghost" (Framed Original Pastel on Paper)
Medium: Pastel on Paper
Framed Size: 25 1/2’ w X 32” h
Image Size: 19" x 23"
For more information or to purchase this original, click here.

The Boxer
Medium: Pastel on Paper
Image Size: 19" x 26"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

White Egret
Medium; Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 22" x 28"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Phantom Profile
This is one of Brad's favorite phantom pieces. He painted the phantoms mask in this piece with as few important brush strokes as he could to maintain the immediacy of the moment and the feeling in this piece. for an artist to lay down a brush stroke without questioning himself and accepting what is coming out from him or her as an artist is the purest for of expression and that is what this piece so beautifully embodies.
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 9" x 12"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Rhinoceros Hornbill
Medium: Pastel on Paper
Image Size: 19" x 23"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Rhinoceros Hornbills
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 30" x 48"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Eve Falling Asleep
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Image Size: 20" x 24"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Eyes On A Nation
Medium: Pastel on Paper
Image Size: 19" x 26"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Abiding Faith
Painted in 1973 Medium: Oil on Canvas Image Size: 14"h x 18"w
Note: This is one of the earliest surviving oil paintings completed by the artist when he was 15 years old. Brad had given this original to his friend and classmate Maria while in middle school. Brad says he remembers her crying when she saw it and was so moved by it that he gave it to her. She kept the painting for over 40 years. The last time they got together, the painting long forgotten by Brad, Maria returned it to him. Brad did not want to take the painting back but she insisted saying, "Thank you for giving me this beautiful gift. I have cherished it for most of my life, it has brought me so much happiness. It's time I return it to you." The true reason behind the return was revealed a few days later when a mutual classmate informed Brad of Maria's passing. Deeply saddened by the loss of his longtime friend, Brad has decided to let this painting go, hoping it finds another heart to touch as deeply as it did Maria's.
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Nude II
Line Drawing
Dated 1997
Medium: Ink on Arches Paper
Image Size: 4"H X 6"
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Nude III
Line Drawing
Dated 1997
Medium: Ink on Arches Paper
Image Size: 4"H X 6"W
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Nude IV
Line Drawing
Dated 1997
Medium: Ink on Arches Paper
Image Size: 4"H X 6"W
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

Dall Sheep
Date: 1990
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 24"w x 20"h
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.

In the Begining II
This is one of two similar paintings depicting the first days on earth. This painting followed the large painting 'In the Beginning'. Brad who paints a great many paintings from his heart and mind does not use reference materials such as photographs to create works like this or in the other companion piece to this one. The artist signature is of this painting. in the lower right corner.
Date: 2014
Medium: Oil on Canvas
Size: 42"w x 30"h
To inquire about this available original, contact us here.